Home Art Winslow Homer Impressions of the Coast

Winslow Homer Impressions of the Coast


Boston illustrator and artist Winslow Homer is considered one of the most distinguished American painters of the 19th Century. His scenic depictions of American coasts and marine subjects have inspired art lovers for over one hundred years. Today, the very same pre- and post- Civil War works that rocketed Homer to the forefront of the American art scene are currently on display in a tasteful exhibition at the Forsyth Galleries in Texas A&M’s Memorial Student Center until Mar. 22.

With a vast catalog of work, Homer’s portfolio encompasses many different disciplines and mediums: from vivid eye-catching oil paintings of shorelines and boats to lithographs and etchings of landscapes and people.

With a keen eye for bright colors, warm tones and fluid textures, Homer’s paintings make everyday objects seem to leap off the canvas. The lush marshmallow-like clouds in many of Homer’s pieces look as if they are in constant motion in a never ending sunset, destined to aimlessly drift toward the edges of their canvas. Another facet of Homer’s art shows his attention to diversity in his choice of subjects. Several of Homer’s paintings — specifically those associated with the Bahamian island of Nassau — portray people of all different races and skin tones. 

Come and check out selected Homer pieces from the holdings of Syracuse University along with designated selections from Texas A&M’s Cushing Memorial Library and Archives. You will find the art thoughtfully displayed throughout the galleries, in soft yet adequate lighting and hanging on pristine white walls or sitting atop white pedestals along the galleries’ spacious walkways.

The exhibition “A View From the Shore: Winslow Homer’s Impressions of the Coast” will be open to all students, faculty and visitors from Jan. 14 through Mar. 22 on the second floor of the Memorial Student Center in MSC2428. 

Please visit https://forsyth.tamu.edu/homer/ for more information.



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