Home At Home Lifestyle Easy Houseplants with Martha’s Bloomers

Easy Houseplants with Martha’s Bloomers


Ever have trouble keeping houseplants alive? Think your thumb isn’t green enough? 

Now that we’re spending so much more time at home, it’s time to overcome those previous setbacks and bring a little green inside!

Martha’s Bloomers has great tips and tricks for the first time houseplant owner or the person who wants to improve their indoor plant growing abilities. According to Jordan Doria from Martha’s Bloomers, two of the best plants to grow inside are mint and an ice plant.

Mint is a delicious herb that is beautiful to look at and easy to grow. It can also be a great addition to several summertime drink recipes: tea, water, lemonade, or even cocktails!

Ice plants can be a wonderful addition to any home. It’s a trailing plant that has thick succulent leaves and small bright flowers all summer long. The flowers for ice plants come in multiple colors including red, orange, pink and yellow. 

Both plants are very easy to care for and can grow in a variety of places and situations. For the best outcome, place plants on a patio or bright windowsill where sunlight will reach them. 

There are many designs and styles of containers, so Doria says to make sure to pick out whatever fits in with your style! Terracotta pots are inexpensive and easy to find, while ceramic pottery can add an elevated look to a room or patio.

Small and large containers work for both plants, but Doria says to make sure that the container being used has a drainage hole on the bottom. This will keep the soil from becoming waterlogged and rotting the plant(s). Smaller pots can be great for both indoor and outdoor situations, whereas larger pots are best suited for an outdoor plant home.

Martha’s Bloomers always keeps ice plants and a few varieties of mint in stock with some common varieties being Kentucky Colonel Spearmint, peppermint, mojito, chocolate, variegated pineapple, and orange mint. Doria says that even if the plants themselves are out of stock, seeds for these two plants, as well as many other herbs and flowers, will be available.

For a new and easy gardening challenge, make sure to stop by Martha’s Bloomers to pick up some new plants to love and grow. They are open Monday through Saturday from 9 a.m.-6 p.m. and Sunday from 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Don’t forget that they also have a cafe that is open Tuesday through Sunday from 11 a.m.-3 p.m., with desserts served from 3-4 p.m.
You can also visit the Martha’s Bloomers website for more tips and tricks on plants and gardening at https://marthasbloomers.com/plant-articles/.

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Rebecca, or Becca, is a senior journalism major at Texas A&M University graduating in December 2020. She is currently a writing intern for the Summer 2020 semester at Maroon Weekly and is excited about being able to write about the local scene in the Bryan-College Station area. When Becca isn't writing or working on schoolwork, you can often find her watching reruns of The Office, listening to country music, or wandering through an antique shop. To anyone who reads her articles she simply says, "thanks and gig'em!"



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