Home Reviews App Reviews App Review: Planta

App Review: Planta


Plant parents, unite! The new app, Planta, is here to help you maintain and keep your plants alive!

Whether you’re a long-time plant lover or recently picked up the hobby over the pandemic, the Planta app is perfect for you. This app is for those who took on the role of being a plant parent and desperately want a green thumb but just can’t get it right.

Upon opening the app, users enter their skill and commitment level as well as whether they have indoor or outdoor plants to take care of. Additionally, the app will recommend what plants are suitable for users based on this skill level and the amount of sunlight an area has. So if you have a plant that’s just not doing well, Planta will show you what you’re doing wrong and the steps necessary to improve your plant’s life.

Overall, the app is easy to use even if you’re not the most tech-savvy person. For example, all users have to do is add their plant and Planta will create a watering schedule and remind you when to water it. With the premium version, you can also identify plants and the best location for them based on available lighting and even ask Dr. Planta what to do if your plant is sick. 

Planta has three subscription options that users can choose from: one, three and 12 months. The best deal is 12 months of premium subscription for a one-time payment of $35.99.

Planta also includes a discover page that features “trending golden photos,” a “plant of the week,” and “collections” of plants. These features allow users to know the latest fads and trends in the plant community. 

At least for plants, there IS a parenting manual! Planta takes the struggle out of not knowing what to do in order to grow your healthiest plants ever!



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