Home Reviews App Reviews App Review: “Prizefighters 2”

App Review: “Prizefighters 2”


Have you ever dreamt of stepping into a boxing ring and trading blows with the greats? Okay, maybe not. Luckily, “Prizefighters 2” lets you experience the thrill of going for the knockout free of the blood and bruises.

The app throws you into your first match directly upon opening it and gives a quick guide on the controls. With a simple punch, dodge, and move control scheme, the controls are easy to grasp. The pixelated graphics are wonderfully done and make it feel like you’re in the 90s, playing an arcade machine. Fortunately, you don’t have to keep digging in your pocket for another quarter to play this game. The two featured modes are “quick fight” and “career.” Quick fight is just what it sounds like and is a fun way to kill time. With career mode, you can start from the bottom and climb through the ranks as a boxer, as the manager of a boxing gym, or the manager of a league. All three career mode options are enjoyable for both hardcore boxing fans and non-boxing fans.

The boxing itself may get repetitive, but the ability to manage a gym or league gives you plenty more content. The gym and league options in career mode aren’t free, but a trial run is included to help decide if the price is worth it. 

“Prizefighters 2” is a unique game that’s easy to immerse yourself in. Give it a download to see if you can make a name for yourself in the boxing world!



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