Home Activity Bringing on the Balance: The Bridge Yoga Grand Opening!

Bringing on the Balance: The Bridge Yoga Grand Opening!


A brand new space for the many practices of yoga—not just the “balance on one leg” kind—is making its debut in Bryan/College Station soon! On Saturday, April 10, The Bridge Yoga, owned by Kelli Norgaard, is hosting its grand opening celebration from 3 to 5 p.m. at their brand new studio on University Drive. Located at the point where Bryan and College Station meet, The Bridge Yoga is all about just what it sounds like: bridging not only the two cities but the mind, body, and spirit of yoga.

Owner Kelli Norgaard has been a yogi for about 15 years now, originally getting into it when looking for a new approach to fitness. Over the years, she learned there’s much more to yoga than the physical component. “People come to yoga for one reason—help with mind, body, or spirit—but you end up getting the benefit of all three. You finally learn balance, and it’s not just the balance of standing on one leg. It’s the balance of life, and learning to handle all of the moving parts of together,” says Norgaard. 

Norgaard has been working in education for almost three decades, and she currently works full time for Bryan ISD. “A lot of my work in the school districts has made me realize that teachers want to learn more about mindful practices to help in their classrooms. Yoga has become a vehicle for that over time,” says Norgaard. The Bridge Yoga is Norgaard’s answer to merging education and yoga together.

The Bridge Yoga isn’t going to just be a studio that offers workout classes, but will offer several types of yoga, including Foundational, Vinyasa, and Barre. Norgaard and her team will also teach classes where educators can come and learn practices they can do in their own classrooms-for themselves and their students. “I know what teachers need because I’ve been in this world for 28 years,” adds Norgaard. “We have forgotten the pieces that have to come before results in the classroom. I am using yoga as the vehicle to teach educators how to be balanced and live successful lives, and help their students do the same.” These workshops will focus on practical things teachers can learn that can help keep kids calm, regulate their emotions, and actually produce results.

The main thing offered at The Bridge Yoga is accessibility. Whether you’re an experienced yogi or someone who’s never unrolled the mat before, The Bridge is for everyone. In addition to in-person and online workout classes, Norgaard and her team will also be teaching on the topics of meditation and the history of yoga. “From meditation to education to actual yoga, I want The Bridge to feel like a refuge for people,” says Norgaard. “I want people to come here to fill up their cup with whatever they need, so their own lives are rejuvenated.” The Bridge Yoga will also offer flexibility in the pricing of memberships and there will be a donation base for people who can’t afford to attend classes at full price. “There should be no reason that someone doesn’t try it!” adds Norgaard.

During the grand opening of the studio, the community is invited from 3 to 5 p.m. to meet the instructors, see the space, and enjoy some champagne and charcuterie. You can also sign up for classes and purchase a membership. Classes will start the very next day on April 11, and every single class is offered in-person and on Zoom. Monthly memberships start at $80 per month, and drop-in classes start at $15 per class.

The Bridge Yoga is meant to be more than just your daily workout. It’s meant to be a place of relaxation, rejuvenation, and education. “Education is very valuable to me. I want The Bridge Yoga to be a center of education in the community,” says Norgaard. Head out to their grand opening this weekend to get started yourself!

To keep up with The Bridge Yoga’s announcements and updates, follow their Facebook page. For more information about The Bridge Yoga’s grand opening and pricing information, visit their website.

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Chloe is a junior Business Marketing major graduating in May 2022. She started as an intern at Maroon Weekly to pursue her passion for telling stories, and is now a staff writer. Some of her favorite things to do include taking weekend trips with her friends, creating a new Spotify playlist, and making the perfect chai latte. Right now she is probably studying at the Junction Cafe, riding her bike, or finding an excuse to wear her cowboy hat wherever she's going.



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