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App Review: Focos


Cost: Free (In-app subscription optional)

Instagram has created a world of photographers. Everyone with a phone can point and shoot the “perfect” shot, then edit the photo with a variety of tools and filters. But one area the platform and other photo editing apps fall short of is focus. Changing the focus of an image has always been an issue, but not any more. 

“Focos” is a new editing tool that helps shift the focus of an image without completely distorting the photo. Users can upload a photo and edit it like other apps, including cropping, filters, lighting and effects. But what truly stands out is the aperture section. Focus can be adjusted by size, shape and highlights, letting anyone get a professional shot with just their phone. 

Some features are included in the free download, but the full gamut of editing functions can be accessed through a one-time subscription purchase. If you’re big on taking pictures, this might just be the app to ask Santa to upgrade!



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