Home Reviews App Review: Ecosia

App Review: Ecosia


With the holiday season just around the corner, many are looking for extra ways to give back. As technology continues to improve, we’ve seen the rise of charity-based apps designed to help the user better the world with little to no effort on their part. One such app is Ecosia, the web search engine that helps plant trees with every search!

How does it work? Ecosia makes money off of ad clicks, and their profits go toward planting trees in parts of the world where the ecosystem is most at risk. On average, it takes about a user 45 searches to finance the planting of one tree, but in context, Ecosia finances about one tree per second. 

The searching capabilities of Ecosia are more or less on par with big name search engines. It may be occasionally necessary to switch back to Google when trying to search something particularly obscure, but generally speaking, it’s hard to even notice a difference in the results. 

Even if it’s not everyone’s cup of tea, Ecosia is a great app to at least try out, because helping the world become a better place all from the comfort of your couch is a pretty great deal.

Sources: the app itself, and also their FAQ for info about their business model and whatnot:




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