Home Reviews Album Reviews Album Review: “CAPRISONGS” by FKA twigs

Album Review: “CAPRISONGS” by FKA twigs


FKA twigs knows how to make an album that’s unique to her and her fans. “CAPRISONGS” is a 17-track electronic album that pushes the boundaries of sound. This multidimensional compilation of songs includes notable features from The Weeknd, Daniel Caesar, Shygirl, and a couple of other artists. 

The second to last song on the album, “christi interlude” summarizes the album as a whole. The airy, strange sounds and narration explain twigs’s zodiac sign – hence the name of the album. The narrator says, “You were born on a new moon, that gives you such an optimistic energy,” and continues to say that the symbol of the new moon will “evolve humanity.” This essentially sets up twigs as this all-powerful woman. 

The album artwork suggests that “CAPRISONGS” is R&B inspired and has a boss-girl vibe. This isn’t entirely wrong, but it’s not right either. This album is more chill and ethereal sounding than anything else. Because it’s in the electronic genre, it really follows that type of sound. Many of the tracks include dialogue between twigs and other artists, which arguably ruins the world she’s trying to put us in. Each song flows into one another and matches the theme of the album, yet each track has its personal attraction. Not one song sounds the same because of the use of various beats and futuristic sounds. 

The tracks “papi bones” and “jealousy” take inspiration from Afrobeats, which seems to make sense because Rema, a Nigerian singer, surely adds to this sound on “jealousy.” “papi bones” was created as a hype dance song, whereas “jealousy” is a laid-back, smooth track. 

“CAPRISONGS” has such an interesting, complex sound. Not many artists can compare to FKA twigs and her work. This album isn’t mainstream and featured on every radio station, but perhaps that’s what makes it distinctive and individual to twigs. It begs for a specific audience, but people should still recognize how out-of-the-box it is.

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Brooke is a senior Telecommunication Media Studies major with a minor in Journalism. Brooke has just started her journey with Maroon Weekly at the beginning of this spring semester, but she is excited to show her personality and potential through her writing. Some of her favorite things include music, the H3 podcast on YouTube, painting, and animals! She also hopes to pursue a teaching certificate once she graduates.



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